Start your business TODAY with the Support you've been needing

Be a founding member of the Nice Guy Entrepreneur community

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What if I could show you how to find the confidence to finally start and/or grow your existing business that you have been wanting for years?

-No more putting that domain name on Auto-Renew in GoDaddy

-Activate that idea that you wrote on that bar napkin years ago

-Take action from that Word Document saved in a lost file on your computer desktop

-FINALLY take action on your dream that you KNOW will make your loved ones proud of you!

Be A Nice Guy

Be one of the first 120 members in the community that will help get you into the game and lead you to success! Join at the Founder's Rate of only $20 a month!

Join the Community as a Founder

John S.

Shane has helped me find the courage to leave my corporate job and start my own business. In 3 months I am already making more than my job and have put in my notice!

Sarah V.

I felt lost every time I tried to start before. With the support of peers, I can now say I officially have started my business!

Michael C.

I realized that I was procrastinating by trying to learn everything the internet could provide on how to start a business. I soon realized that all I needed was the support of others like me.

30 Over 30

Celebrating the late bloomers, join here to be one of the first 30 members over the age of 30 and enjoy the status of Founder and a reduced membership fee of $20 a month

40 Over 40

Celebrating the later bloomers, join here to be one of the first 40 members over the age of 40 and enjoy the status of Founder and a reduced membership fee of $20 a month

50 Over 50

Celebrating the later bloomers, join here to be one of the first 50 members over the age of 50 and enjoy the status of Founder and a reduced membership fee of $20 a month

You are Not the Only One Out There that Wants this for Themselves

And it's never too late to start. Did you know that the average age of the new startup is 45 years old?

I always wanted to be an entrepreneur, but...

From a young boy, I loved the idea of success. I followed Michael J. Fox in Family Ties & Secret of My Success and wanted a J.O.B. like he pursued those in roles. And later, I learned the wisdom of the book Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

Next, I took a J.O.B. and the next thing I knew, I woke up 20 years later and had still not pursued my true dream. My dream to start my OWN business.

I witnessed countless others start and succeed in business. They were not any better than me. In fact, I know that I would be a better entrepreneur than most of them. Why not me? Why had I not yet proven that I am a great entrepreneur?


I woke up those two decades later with a wife, kids, a mortgage to pay, braces to buy, and college educations to save for.  I couldn't do it now. At least that is what I continued to tell myself. So I kept on with my J.O.B.

But the desire was real and it was still burning inside of me. I read every book. Watched every YouTube video. Listened to every podcast. Even paid for every online course I could find that I thought would help me get started. I knew that I had a great product that others would love. I knew that I had the ability to make it work. I knew I would make it a success.

But still no action.

I couldn't find the strength to do it. I thought about turning to family and friends for support, but I felt that they would just tell me to keep my day job. So, I kept my dream quiet. "Don't risk it", I would tell myself.

But I had to. I had to do something about this desire within me. I was actually afraid not to take action. The cognitive dissonance was KILLING ME!

I had to do it. But how? What was I lacking? What did others have that I didn't?

Then, about 5 years ago I figured it out.

The answer all along was SUPPORT!!! 

 It was the support like I had thought. However, I found it in an unexpected place. Not from family. Not from friends. Although to be fair, now that I have started, they have proven that they would have supported me all along. No. This support came from other Wantrepreneurs like me. Other people that had not had the confidence to take action. It was not the expert and experienced entrepreneurs who could tell me what to do. It was people on a journey like mine. People who would walk alongside me. In a way, walking hand-in-hand, encouraging each other along the way.

-They were on the same journey

-They found the same obstacles and the same heartaches

-They were lonely too

-They understood who I was, and I understood them

Be A Nice Guy

Be one of the first 120 members in the community that will help get you into the game and lead you to success! Join at the Founder's Rate of only $20 a month!

Join the Community as a Founder

Is there a DNA to Successful Entrepreneurs?

Others say that:

- You must have the DNA of an Entrepreneur

- You must have a certain personality

- That if you are not an Extrovert you will not be successful at entrepreneurship

- That if you didn't have a lemonade stand when you were a kid, that you won't be successful

- That if you aren't a Type A personality, then forget about it

- That you have to start young and if you are in your later years, forget about it. Too late!


I have now worked with hundreds of others like you and me, who became successful later in life. Who never showed proof as a youth. Who are introverted and certainly are not Type A personalities.

In fact, the average age of a new entrepreneur is 45. Did you hear that?!? 45!!! This means that half of all new entrepreneurs are older than 45?            WOW!                    Mind-blown!  And a 50 year old founder is twice as likely to experience a successful exit than a founder under 30.

In fact, many of the most popular and successful entrepreneurs started late in life. Founder of ZOOM - 41, Founder of Roblox - 41, Founder of the Gap - 40, Henry Ford - 45, Tim and Nina Zagat (Zagat Ratings) - both 51, Ray Kroc (McDonalds) - 52, Arianna Huffington - 55, Colonel Sanders (KFC) - 62.

And so many more. These are just the most popular names I decided to list. There are so many more that don't make the list because, like you and me, they are not in it for the ego. They are in it to serve and to help their family.

Look friend, starting a business later in life is not abnormal. Simple as that.You don't need to change who you are. You don't need motivational speakers. You don't need more time or more money.

All that you need is emotional SUPPORT. No Carrots. No Sticks. Just someone to walk alongside you that understands who you are because they are just like you.

Be A Nice Guy

Be one of the first 120 members in the community that will help get you into the game and lead you to success! Join at the Founder's Rate of only $20 a month!

Join the Community as a Founder

Sometimes Following Our Dreams Requires Someone to Walk Along Beside Us

You have always wanted to start your own business. But nobody said that you had to walk the path alone.

Join today!

Is Starting Late in Life Really Possible Then?     

The Answer is an Absolutely YES!!!


But it still takes work. You just can't do it alone. You need to do it with others. You need to take your first steps and feel like you are not alone.



The Nice Guy Entrepreneur

This is an online community that gives you content and wisdom that will teach you how to start and/or grow while providing you with the support that will give you the motivation to take your first steps. You will find a community of others walking the same path as you and you will be encouraged by their efforts as they will be encouraged by yours.

The Online Membership Community will help You:

-Take action

- Build motivation

- Learn the strategies to start

- Learn the strategies to grow

- To create meaningful work

- To make a lasting impact on the world

- To show your loved ones just how capable you are

- To break free of the 9-5 workweek 

- To find autonomy as an entrepreneur

- To be your own boss and make your own decisions

- To find your passions and live them out daily

Be A Nice Guy

Be one of the first 120 members in the community that will help get you into the game and lead you to success! Join at the Founder's Rate of only $20 a month!

Join the Community as a Founder

The Nice Guy Entrepreneur focuses on 3 Core Areas


> Powerful content / knowledge to do it right

> Regular live interaction with experts to answer your questions

> A community of support from your peers to encourage your success

With these 3 areas, all that you have to do is move forward to find yourself. Your desired self. The person that you know you really are. The person you've been wanting to show to your family and friends. They deserve the real you. The true you. The WHOLE you. Live up to your dreams by living out your dreams!


This is for you if:

- You have years of experience and wish to share it with others

- You know that there is more to you but you need help coaxing it out of you

- You have ideas of businesses that you could successfully run, but you just need a push

- You want to be your own boss and have the autonomy to run a business the way you deem best

- You want to make your family and friends proud of you and show them what you are truly capable of

- You can contribute to serving the world AND make a great living by doing so


This is NOT for you if:

- You have successfully been running a business for years and are crushing it! (We love you and are cheering for you)

- You have a strong personality and does not find it difficult to grab the world by it's throat

- You absolutely have no problem selling face-to-face and in fact, actually love convincing others that they should give you their money

- You are under 30 years old and have not built up life experience to share with the world

- You are more interested in becoming rich and quick instead of helping others

Be A Nice Guy

Be one of the first 120 members in the community that will help get you into the game and lead you to success! Join at the Founder's Rate of only $20 a month!

Join the Community as a Founder

Don't Forget: It is totally risk free

If you do not wish to continue your membership at any time, you can simply cancel. 

Just Do It

This community will grow in size and offer more content than you can consume. But since we are starting, we are going to provide a Founding Member price point of only $20 a month for the first 120 members that join. This price will be honored for LIFE! That's right. The membership fee will likely climb to over $100 in the future, but to get things started, we are offering the first 120 members to get in at only $20 a month.

(The foundering membership level will consist of the base membership level and will not consist of the future premium level benefits. However, the founding member can always upgrade to a premium level when they are ready to).

Just do it. If it is not for you, you can cancel at any time.


If you join and you find the support that you know or didn't even know that you needed, look at your future self. Imagine the success of growing your own business.


> Having the autonomy to be your own boss

> Having the time to do the things that you really want to do (travel, spend time with family, etc.)

> Not having a boss that may be giving you a hard time

> Having the satisfaction of directly helping others succeed in life

> Having the riches to live the life that you know that your family deserves


The Choice is Yours

Simply click to join the community and begin the change in your life that you have been seeking.

Remember, we are seeking 120 Founding members to get us started. If you join before we fill up, you will join at the Founding rate of only $20 a month for what others are paying hundreds of dollars for in other programs.


Come along and walk alongside of us!


Be a Nice Guy

It's never too late to start when you are with others like you.

Join the Community Today!



SPECIAL Limited Spaces (1st 120 only)

  • Weekly Peer Calls
  • Online Courses
  • Online Mini-Courses
  • Extended YouTube Videos
  • Community of Peers



Standard Membership

  • Weekly Peer Calls
  • Online Courses
  • Online Mini-Courses
  • Extended YouTube Videos
  • Community of Peers



Top features

  • All the same as Founder and Basic Memberships, Plus:
  • Additional Q&A w/ the experts
  • Interaction with the YouTube/Podcast guests
  • Special Offers from the YouTube/Podcast guests
  • Opportunity to present to the peer community for feedback


P.S. Don't forget that when you join the Nice Guy Entrepreneur Community, you are joining risk-free. You can cancel at any time and receive your money back for the first 30 days. And after that, you can cancel at any month you wish. There are no minimum requirements.

P.P.S. Trust me when I say, once you have a sense of the support and direction that you will have from the community, you will not have any desire to go back! We will help you get to where you've been wanting to go for a very long time.

It couldn't be any easier than that. Do your future self a favor and invest in yourself. Get started. Take the first steps to walking with your new best friends.

Your life will never be the same.

See you on the inside!


I am just like you. I get it. But its now time to get going.

Sure. I have a PhD and decades of experience in working and helping others in their startups. But I am just like you. For years I sat on the sidelines, watching countless others start businesses with less experience and less knowledge. I knew I could do it too. Even better than they were. Yet, I sat there watching them succeed and enjoy the life I had always wanted.

I'm no longer on the sideline. I am in the game and WINNING! (Insert Charlie Sheen here)

I am now loving my life. Showing my wife and kids what I always talked about. Helping others, just like me, get started, JUST LIKE ME!