$20.00 USD

Every month

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Nice Guy Founding Membership

Become a founding member and Walk with Me to your business success

Only 120 will get this introductory offer!

50 Over 50 will join as founders

40 Over 40 will join as founders

30 Over 30 will join as founders

What you'll get:

  • Weekly Peer-2-Peer calls with Shane and the rest of the community
  • Know-how to start/grow your business
  • Get instant access to the entrepreneur's favorite course "How to Sell when you Hate to Sell"
  • Constant support from others just like you in the Community 24/7
  • Founding members will always pay this low price for as long as you keep your membership

Founders gain access to the membership at the founding member price and will have access to all things added to the membership as we grow into the future. However, all separate / a la carte items and premium services will remain a separate fee.